Friday, June 9, 2017

A Day in Vienna

Thursday was a day off from cycling and a day to tour Vienna. The weather cooperated, leaving the cool overcast skies for sunny blue skies. We walked about a kilometer from the ship to the tram stop for the D line that took us in to the heart of Vienna. Our first stop of the day was the museum district and the Hofburg Imperial Palace, home to the past emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. Built over the last 800 years, the multiple buildings take over three city blocks. We paid to tour the rooms of Emperor Frank Joseph and his wife , Emperess Elizabeth, known as Sisi. The Hofburg is known as the Winter Palace. The Shonbrunn Palace, just outside of Vienna, is known as the Summer Palace.

We started in the rooms housing the royal china, silver settings, and table settings, including candelabras. There are several rooms with thousands of pieces used over the years. Some were simple silver plates, some simple porcelain, and others very ornately gilded table settings used to convey the power and wealth of the royal family. One fact to think about: State dinners could consist of 13 or more courses, but were to be completed in 45 minutes. The emperor was served each course first, and when he put down his fork, everyone had to stop eating that course. Sounds like several rounds of speed eating.

The royal apartments documented the daily life of the last emperor of Austria with many of the furnishings from the 1800s. There were many exhibits to highlight the life's of Frank Joseph and Sisi.

After the tour, we visited one of Vienna's many coffee cafes. Demel's is a short walk from the Hofburg Palace and was given the right to say that they are providers to the royal family. They are known for the many types of cakes available every day. After some indecision, I had the chocolate cake with orange liqueur and Mari had the carrot cake.

After cake, the real shopping started. Vienna is a capital city, with all the major brands featured in stores lining the shopping district. Christmas presents were purchased, no fair sharing on this blog. Lunch was in the biergarten at Stadt park. As it was a sunny day, the park was filled with locals out to enjoy the weather.

We finished the day in Vienna at the 1516 Brewery. This is a new Brewery named for the date the Germany beer purity law went into effect. Mari had Weisse and I had the Witt with cilantro an zoho, an Asian citrus fruit. They serve good beer and amazing looking food. If I had known that they served BBQ ribs, I would have waited for lunch.

We returned to the ship to shower and have dinner, before departing for a concert of Mozart and Strauss performed by local musicians at a charming hall in old town Vienna. Waltzes from Johann Strauss are part of the rich history of Vienna and were well presented.

One day is much too short to see Vienna, but we enjoyed the time we had. Photos are on Flickr,

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